Hide a configuration in a SolidWoks Enterprise PDM data card


I'm looking to see if I can hide the tab for a specific configuration of my part (or assembly) in a SolidWorks PDM data card.

For example, for sheet metal parts that often have an unfolded configuration named by default "DefaultSM-FLAT-PATTERN", I would like the tab of this configuration not to be visible. The masking that must be driven against the configuration name.

Has anyone already had the opportunity to do this manipulation?

Thank you!


Hello, personally I don't hide the subconfig. I simply delete it.

After I do it because I don't need it, maybe you will need it for the plans!?


Have a nice day


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Hello, Unfortunately I also didn't manage to find the solution because in my PDM I have a config @ in addition to the default one that is displayed and disturbs the collaborators

I am interested in this subject!


for the @ configuration it is enough, in a vault window, to do Show / Options / Hide the @ configuration.

For the others I don't know if we can do it.  


Thanks @jerome.desannicolas for the answer regarding the hiding of the @ configuration. Indeed this tab annoys most users ;-)

@G. Indeed, I need to keep this configuration of the unfolded state of a sheet metal part to use it in my drawings.

I continue my invertements...



After that, you can delete the subconfig. and create a config. unfolded!

Personally, I left the config @ because when we have several configs in a part or an assembly, the drawing takes as reference the config. @ at least each config has its own particularity (a direction for example) while the @ tab allows you not to specify a direction on the map. (I hope I was clear...)




edit: otherwise create a part cut apart and then insert it to make the finished part!?


FYI (or for those who haven't configured their EPDM), the @ config corresponds to the properties related to the file (directly accessible from windows as a result), after these are the properties related to each of the configurations.

After looking at my data cards, the answer is: go to your EPDM admin because there is a way for each field to hide it according to the value of the configuration name (using @ to hide the properties related to the file).

So it is quite possible to hide all the fields of your data card if the name of the configuration is strictly equal to "DefaultSM-FLAT-PATTERN"  (or a bit of this name with wildcards).

I used this to hide all the properties that are not related to the file in the configuration and reciprocally. It's a bit painful to do at the data card level but once it's done it rolls ....


capture for configs where I hide the data related to the file (so to the one whose name is strictly equal to @ )


Be careful, if the PRT has the name of its config renamed Xxx,

the subconfig will be XxxSM-FLAT-PATTERN"

And if not, for sheet metal parts, if there is no need to create the "flat configuration" of the part, to show it in a MEP.

It is sufficient not to have it generated:

by not putting the unfolded state view in a MEP,

by not using the preview of the new view (right panel) because it creates the config in the PRT, even if you don't put the view in a MEP.


Same for the Const.Soudée, we can now ask not to create the derived config, it's in the settings of the document.

"May the dark side be with you... "

Thank you @froussel for these explanations on being able to hide certain fields in a data card based on the configuration name. I used this principle for a few fields indeed.

Note that by using the "command logic " function in the PDM administration you can also hide (or gray) some fields of the card according to the values of file variables (see attachment).

But in my case I'm trying to hide the tab directly in my data card if the configuration is called "DefaultSM-FLAT-PATTERN", and no matter how hard I look, I think it's not feasible at the moment, at least in the 2016 version of PDM.

Thank you also @olivier42 for the trick in the drawings. It would be nice if we could have the option not to create this "DefectSM-FLAT-PATTERN" configuration for sheet metal parts, maybe in future versions of SW ;-)


That's why when I'm in a company that doesn't manufacture,

in MEPs, I don't use the "View Palette",

I rather use the "classic creation of views" (i.e. : insert / view /.... ) or its shortcut icon


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