Mass 1.8N at 185mm from the axle, at 5000R

Hello, what weight I will reach at this end and at this speed.

Thank you

See this link you will find the formula





The unit of mass is the Kilogram

The unit of weight is the Newton


So you have 1.8N or 1.8Kg?


5000rpm gives you 523 radians per second


your 185mm turns into M so 0.185m


The formula of gt 22 (attachment) gives you a force (weight is the same) in Newton.Il you will remain the linear speed on the trajectory tengent to calculate with v=w.r

v=tangential velocity in m/s

w=angular velocity in rad/s

r= radius in m



v=96.755 m/s



On the other hand, check if you have 1.8N or 1.8Kg at the start



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@ Nicolas


 source Wikipedia



A newton is the force capable of imparting an acceleration of 1 m/s2 to a mass of 1 kilogram . It therefore takes 1 newton to increase the speed of a mass of 1 kg by 1 m/s every second. This unit, derived from the international system, is expressed in base units as follows :



Weight  is a measure of the force between two objects due to gravity, weight is expressed in newtons.

However, by misnomer, weight is often expressed in kilograms (unit of mass). On Earth, a mass of 1 kg generates a force (weight) of 9.806 65 N (a value that varies slightly depending on the gravity at the place where we are). The "normal" gravity (defined in 1901 at the 3rd General Conference on Weights and Measures) was set at 9.806 65 m/s23.

By approximation, a weight expressed in kilograms (or kilogram-force (kgf) which is an old unit of weight that contributes to this confusion) is frequently rounded to the weight expressed in decanewtons (1 kg = 1 daN = 10 N).



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@ Nicolas


when you re-edit your answer

in the event that you take given elements that refer to an answer subsequent to yours


it would be I think + wise not to republish it


but to answer after the new elements given


It's more difficult to follow the evolution of the answers


Thank you



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In order not to make a mistake in my answer,

The weight! it's mass and gravity??

@ Jean Phi

yes I think you're right


1 July, 2014 - 09:56 | /!\ Report abuse

In order not to make a mistake in my answer,

The weight! it's mass and gravity??



To put it simply, I have 1.8 Kg


To be exact Weight (N) = Mass (kg) x Gravity (N/kg or m/s²)

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I find by rounding, 90000 (Kg)!?



