Mass of an assembly


I am trying to make the mass of my assembly appear in a MeP. Each material of the parts are informed but my mass remains at zero. 

Is it an error in the properties?

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Is the mass property well created in the assembly?

I have in the properties of the SW-Mass and sw-Material assembly, but I have a doubt about my Mass, I have the impression that it is not the right property

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on the other hand it is an assembly with subassemblies which have a mass that appears 

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I have: "SW-Mass@Quersammler 1 oben rep1. SLDASM"

I think we should add the name of the assembly after the @.

But weird, I put it on by itself.

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What should not be obliterated when reading the mass in an assembly is to have filled in the right materials beforehand on each part.


If a material is missing from a part, the final weight will inevitably be wrong...


I just tested with an assembly made of part and subassembly, it works dear me.

And the spelling of property is the same.

I have the name of my assembly and its configuration.

The thing is that I have sub-assemblies with the ground and others not. 

yet I have a common property file *.asmprp so they are all in the same boat

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@bart It's not wrong my weight it's at 0.00 .... yes so it's false

But each piece is filled in, that's what I don't understand.

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And when you go to the properties of your rooms, sw mass is at 0?

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Try using batchproperties to reattach the ground property to all your components, subassemblies, and assemblies.

No it's the weight that's what holes my C....  

The worst thing is to have assemblies with the weight and others not. I can't put my finger on it. I checked again and I was missing the material of a 1.5x4.9 pin. I assigned it registered and it didn't change anything

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@ frederic I no longer have access to mycadtools n i to maintenance since December 1st (it's the crisis...)

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Crisis filth.

But it's weird, on my side when I tested, I just put the property on my first level assembly.

And the mass was given away.

Did you try to restart solidworks? or the computer?

I'm going to put resolve to reboot so I'm going to go pour myself a coffee.... See you later (no I'm kidding 2.5 s reboot, long live the SSDs)

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good 4 min for the coffee but still the same for the mass. I'm sure it's a stupidity that doesn't jump out at me (and yet I have a 27 inch)

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Hi @ gerald

Do you have in your nomenclature of your MEP a mase column

if you don't have.................... added a mase column




@gt22, yes good idea so if there is one of the parts whose mass is lost I will see it

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To add @gt22, the parts that block the ground in the drawing are the ones whose config name has not  been changed, since I use the config as the part number and its description.

So I guess that several parts with the same name conflict and block the editing of the ground

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@ Gerald

so you solved your problem of the identifier that screws the sprig ;-))

@+ ;-))

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