MEP copy entities, let the function activate

In a MEP I have the entities copied, how do we let the function activate to copy several entities in a row

with the Shift or Ctrl key held. But in a MEP, I think, you can copy only the views, sketches and annotations.
Ctrl is also used to deselect.
Which entities do you want to copy?

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I draw (sketch entities) in a view, circles

Have you tried shift or ctrl + click?

It doesn't work, what I'm trying to do is maintain the function until I echo

Do you have this checkbox enabled?

If so, by unchecking it it might help you, if I understood your problem correctly.


I think some images of what you want to do are needed. I thought I understood but now, it's becoming blurry for me.

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The checkbox is deselected
contrary to what is said in the SW help
It's not by double-clicking on the button that I can keep the function active but by clicking on the pushpin
CAPTURE 000190
CAPTURE 000191
