"WARNING" message

Has anyone ever had this message? And how the problem was solved

I've had this regularly for 2/3 weeks without any particular event.
To continue I say " Yes " and I can continue working without bugs or slowdowns.

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Never had this problem on the 2023. Maybe a SW process that increases the memory usage and then it goes back to normal afterwards.
You should monitor the resource monitor to see if the memory usage goes up all at once.
If Windows updates have taken place, you should look at the GDI objects in the registry and if the swap settings have not been changed.

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This message should come from the " Solidworks resource monitor " to be seen in the system-tray
Let's see the options offered by the Solidworks 2023 one...
In addition to the diagnosis that probably refers to Solidworks-Rx, it may be possible to inhibit certain messages
(Featured version: Solidworks 2022)

Here's what Solidworks offers in case of this type of error message:

… and then I say: ... " No! No kidding... I hadn't thought about it."

More seriously:
Close Solidworks and empty the *.temp files

CTRL+Alt+Shift+Delete (this avoids moving these files to the trash), in case of a file in use: Ignore them).
This should give Solidworks a little breath of fresh air...