Error message - backup file



To put it briefly: We have 3 solidworks workstations on our site, 2 Pro and 1 Prenium.

I did all the configuration of solidworks as well as smartproperties on my workstation with all the links to network files where the access paths are completely identical.

I saved my configs (I'm in PRO) and I sent them in the prenium.

and now I have an error  message


Who could he mischievous?


Thank you in advance.


Well it seems that you have a second solidworks open on the sly. You should look at  the processes that run in your task manager (if you go from the pro version to the premium version on the same workstation, Solidworks sometimes takes a little time to close everything ... even when nothing is on the screen anymore!)



As stated in the message, there is another SolidWorks assignment that is started.

This sometimes happens, even if you close SolidWorks it remains running.

To fix it, press CTRL+SHIFT+ESC to enter the task manager and kill the SolidWorks task that is too much. Kill all the tasks to be sure and restart SolidWorks.



I'm not on the same post 

Hi Mathieu,

Opens the Registry Editor:

regedit in the Start menu,

Then you go to: HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\SolidWorks\SOLIDWORKS 2015\ExtReferences

On the right, you search: SolidWorks journal Folders, you double click and you check that the path entered here is indeed a path that exists and in which you have write rights.

If not, you modify it (with SolidWorks closed)

If everything is ok but you still get this message, it's probably because a sldworks.exe process is blocked in the task manager process site


Good luck




The position in prenium has several SW processes in progress.

It has nothing to do with your file.

That said, if you validate this message, SW opens the file normally.



Why do you say "I'm not on the same job?" to whom do you reply?



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To me@Coyote ;)

Yes, if I validate this solid message opens normally, but the goal is to no longer have it.

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So have you tried what I told you or what coin37coin told you just before me?

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No, not yet, it's my colleague's position and he's using it for the moment.

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But just to know, I restarted the PC so all solidworks tasks stopped and the message is displayed even though is it normal?

Hi Mathieu,

Yes, it would be normal if the problem is not related to two processes that would be launched, have you tried my solution (registry editor)?


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that's what "mcordero" is, the "SolidWorks journal Folders" points to rmon C:, but how can I make this location stay on the C: of each user because I don't think you can make a folder on the network and that everyone uses this file at the same time.

Each one must have a unique file for each position. The simplest, you close Sw and delete: "solisdworks journal folder" on this computer. When sw is launched, this key will be automatically recreated with the value that is fine. Mick

Hi Mathieu,

Have you tested the removal of SolidWorks Journal Folders?


Hi Mcordero,


Yes I just tried it and it worked well, on the other hand I find the software taking longer to start, is it because of that, I don't know.


Thank you

Hello Mathieu,

Since you have copied the settings from a "A" extension to import them to a "B" extension, there is a good chance that you have paths that still point to folders that do not exist on this extension B.

In the registry, check all the string values of the hive: "ExtReferences", and correct (or delete) as needed.

Then, remember to make a backup of the settings on this workstation B just in case;)

Good luck mick

I had already anticipated, all the paths are on the network and are all the same for all the workstations except the one in the log that I didn't know, but I didn't think there would be this kind of "bug" because I thought that saving the settings allowed you to be reinstalled on any workstation without worrying about this kind of workstation. path.