Error message when closing solidworks 2020 SP4


Since installing the 2020 SP4 version on Windows 10 up-to-date, we have the message below when closing:


Currently, the operating system is not configured to run this application."

And the only way to close this window is through the task manager.

Are we the only ones impacted?

Do you have an idea of a resolution?

Thanks in advance



It's not impossible that it comes from the latest update of win10.

I had a similar case under SW2019 and the now went to the registry to change the Temp file to SW. (the path would have changed during the Shift)

I attach just in case the print of the register.

Basically, it's to replace the long default path of SW / journal folder that we replace with a path that normally all PCs have, i.e. the C:\temp

Since then, no more problems




Thank you for your quick answer, I'm doing a test this afternoon


Issue Resolved

The above test was not conclusive in our case, but the problem was solved by updating the Office pack (365 around 2009).

Have a nice day


Just so I understand!  STP

What is the relationship between the pack-office and Solidworks especially that you indicate (365 around 2009)

365 would be more like 360 and around 2009 would be 2019 ;-) ;-)

So how does pack-office play on the closure of SW knowing that exchanges are essentially only done in a downward  flow (SW to Word for automatic reports, maybe VBA. Excel to upstream and downstream flows).

The question is not innocent because we have seen a lot of problems related to the old versions from W7 to W10 and if it is the same for the office pack, it would be interesting (for all our colleagues) to know the ins and outs of these configurations)

Kind regards


I don't see the connection between the office pack and this Solidworks closure problem, but the fact remains that after this update, the solidworks closure problems have not reappeared.

Our software configuration:

Solidworks 2020 sp 4

Windows 10 version 2004

Office 365 release 2009 pack.

Have a nice day


I have the same problem... Thank you I'll update the Office pack!

I saw someone on the internet who had the same error message with MetalCad

Solidworks uses Excel files (bending table etc), perhaps the origin of the problem.

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Note: Until now, the use of Office 365 is not officially supported by SW (which is quite logical because Microsoft keeps updating this suite without the user being able to do anything). So basically it works but it can crash overnight following an automatic update.

At one point we had SW2014 and office 365 and clearly the 2 didn't like each other at all (frequent crashes as soon as a family of rooms is opened).

Prefer the installation of a standalone officially supported by solidworks such as Office 2019 under SW2020


I had the same problem (cited in the title) and solved it thanks to Fuz3d...

Thank you
