Error message on Base/Boundary Bossing


I'm a relative beginner on soliworks and I'm currently working on my first part which requires the Base/Boundary Bossing function. So I have two perpendicular planes and a guide curve, when I launch the function, everything seems to work, but, as soon as I validate the function, this error message appears: "the function could not be created because it will create an intersecting geometry."

I attach views of the function

Thank you in advance for your help

Good luck



What version are you in and can you post your file?

Good evening

The RAR file seems corrupt (without having made any policy) can you repost it.

But I'm ready to bet (bets are off  ;-)    ) that it is the guide curve(s) that are not blocked (hooked) correctly on the sketches put on the plans.

This function is not easy to use, except once you don't know how to use it, and even then you always have to be careful because it's tricky.

Kind regards


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Thanks to both of you for your answers, I finally succeeded by tinkering with the boss/smooth base function,

Thanks again