Measure the total area of a submerged volume in contact with the fluid


I have the 3D of a volume body on which we have carried out several drilling operations. 

This steel body will be used underwater (completely submerged), The "measure" command does not allow you to select the entire body. 

Is there a command in Solidworks that will allow me to measure the total surface of the block in contact with water (drilling included)?

Thank you


Good evening

There is no specific tool since you have to work by subtraction, but on the other hand there are several methods that use solidworks tools

I like the following method   But there are others in Tyoube

Kind regards


Hello @m.jallali,

The joined macro traverses the faces of a volume body and accumulates the outer surfaces of this body.
The surface area of any closed cavities is also calculated.
The part document must be open in SolidWorks, and a body face to be processed must be selected.

A surface body constituting the outer skin of the body is also generated.

The macro was only tested on a part with relatively simple shapes. To be validated on more complex parts.

Kind regards.



The Mass Property tool does that very well.

may the force be with you.


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