Meta-properties of solidwoks composer


I'm having problems importing properties from solidworks to composer. For small 2-tier assemblies, everything goes! But as long as I end up with more complex assemblies (e.g., assemblies including subassemblies that also include other subassemblies), the meta-properties of the parts alone, e.g. bolts, are not loaded during import. They indicate those of the general assembly. This kind of problem wastes a lot of time since I have to manually re-enter the properties of the parts. I feel like I'm working twice. Anyone have a solution?

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I'm not too good at Composer, but I came across this article, which I think could help you.


The part that interests you is in the image I think.



It's a good solution :-) 

In solidworks or in solidworks importer/translator, you have to disable certain options, in particular the complex assembly mode which must be activated by default beyond 500 parts and all the performance options for lightweight components.

I attach a screenshot of the options that are often problematic

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Awesome!!! That was exactly the problem. Thank you Fabrice!!!!!!!!!!