MINI CHALLENGE 2021: Let's go to the mountains!

Hello #LYNKOA community, I hope you're doing well and that 2021 is off to a good start for you! The snowflakes that fell on Lyon and its surroundings inspired us to create a new theme for the 2021 mini challenge, which is: 

"Imagine and design the most original sledge to go down the slopes!"

If you can't hurtle down the mountain in full steam, we suggest you create your own sledge (to slide in your garden?!). To make it as original as possible, add crazy abilities: Place reactors so that it slides faster, 6 seats to be able to climb with others or a hull to protect us from the snow...! Let your imagination run wild !

The mini challenge starts today until February 1, 2021 : 10 snowy days to create your most original sled! At stake, a FNAC gift card worth €50:)

So, are you ready to hit the mountain? To your mice! See you in the challenge part :)

If you have any questions, the dedicated group is: mini challenge 2021 or by sending me your questions to! 

Have a good evening everyone!

Hello Coralie

I talk about it to my sleigh friend whose first name is bob.

To go back up the slopes since everything is closed use  rockets like the rasta rocket ;-)

Kind regards


Hello @Zozo_mp 

And yes, unfortunately, bad luck for ski enthusiasts this year... Hence the idea of the sled, I also thought of the reactors directly ;) 


Hi all 

Oh well... What is going on? I realize that there are still no proposals for the mini challenge...?? Don't you find the subject as fun as the previous ones? Or do you need more time? I'll make it longer if you want, tell me;)



Personally, I'm going to put my proposal online soon


Hello @toutes and all

Ben! The problem is that I hadn't put a string on the prototype.

When I went back up  the slope, the sled slipped away from me and it went down the slope. That's when a sudden snowslide engulfed him with my four o'clock that I had left in a corner of the sled.
Now my sledge is confined until the snow melts.

I had named it B.1.1.7. after the name of the new English variant to be able to recognize it.
Note that until then, if there is a new mutation called B 7, 4, 7 M (as max), it will not please Boeing.



@Coralie I'm full DSL.

may the force be with you.


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Snow Sledge news???

Studded wheels should be provided because with global warming it is also necessary to be able to sledge in alfalfa.


Hello @ all, 

Result of the mini challenge tomorrow! :) I hope the winner can let us test his sled...  

See you tomorrow! Coralie 


The suspense is unbearable! When will we be delivered from this pressure that invades us every day! No longer live in doubt, in uncertainty! When will we finally know... the date of the new lockdown!! ;-)

Otherwise I'd like to know the results of the challenge too...


Hello @DoubleL 

I love your enthusiasm! The results take a little longer than expected... But don't panic, you'll soon know the winner...!  

Coralie :)

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