Mirror Derived Sketch

Hello @tous, 

I get stuck on a derived sketch that I can't do the o0 symmetry , 

If you have any tips, thank you in advance, 


What version are you in and can you share your file?

Thank you for the return @ac Cobra

It's 2018, and attached is the test object.


for my part this function does not work properly in this case; If you select the sketch in the Sketch and drag and drop it's working great.

for my part this function does not work in this case; If you select the sketch in the Sketch and drag and drop it's working great.


It doesn't work for me either. The cobra solution is a copy paste but without a link. The sketches are independent.

 Lynk is right about me.

In this case I would have used the block.



Yes that's the reason why I opted for this type of sketch, and thank you soring for  the blocks, but unfortunately it didn't suit me in the current case because my basic sketch is linked with external relations that will be deleted as soon as the block is created, 


A path to explore, with rather surprising behavior...

- Create a new sketch on the face of the derived sketch.
- Convert all the entities of the derived sketch to this new sketch.
- Create the axis, and perform the symmetry of the converted entities. Possible Pb at this stage: the construction lines are not taken into account in the symmetry.
- Clear converted entities. Curiously, symmetry relations, which are relative to points, are preserved despite the deletion of the initial entities.
- Exit the sketch.

It can be seen that a modification of the original sketch is reflected in the derived (normal) sketch, but also in the symmetrical sketch.
The property is retained even after saving and reloading the coin.
The change of construction line to a solid line and vice versa is possible in the derived sketch and in the symmetrical sketch without losing the links.

Kind regards.


Another solution

Create a plan that coincides with the face 

Apply the derivative sketch insertion manips but on the plane not on the face. 

Then reverse the normal of the plane.



I think that the proposed solution has a major problem which is the positioning of the sketch which seems to me not practical, 


I like the solution, simple and effective 

Hi all

Thank you for this discovery (never used the derivative sketch until now).

The simple and logical solution is to constrain the derived sketch once placed on the face.

Personally, I blocked the center of the circle and I put a parallelism between a straight line and an edge of the cube (so the derived sketch is totally black because its geometry is given by the basic sketch and its position by my 2 constraints).



Nb: I'm in 2020 (so it could influence if there's a bug in V2018 preventing you from putting the constraints)