Updating optimized copies in a catalog


I have created a catalog of optimized copies that I use svt.
On the other hand, I will have to regularly improve the optimized copies contained in this catalog.
If we modify an optimized copy that is used in a catalog, is the catalog automatically updated?
Otherwise, how should I proceed to update the catalog when changes to the optimized copies have been made?

Thank you in advance for your advice.


Yes, the catalog is a link pointer to a document, a macro, a feature.

So if the link is correct as soon as you save, the changes are accessible. 

Correct link (location + name of the file that contains the optimized copy). Be careful, if you want to change the name or path of the file, it is best to do so with the .catalog logged in.

On the other hand, for optimized copies, we often create an image (preview thumbnail)  that we manually associate with the feature (optimized copy), if the modification calls into question this preview, we have to redo it and update it in the catalog.

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Perfect Franck, thank you for your answer.

I'm also creating a new post on documentation (attributes) that can be added a family of components because I'd like to be interested in your advice on this subject.


Perfect Franck, thank you for your answer.

I'm also creating a new post on documentation (attributes) that can be added a family of components because I'd like to be interested in your advice on this subject.
