Updating a geometric element (common perpendicular) created with the Measure tool


Thanks to the measure tool, I was able to easily create the common perpendicular to two lines and it is possible to insert it.
My problem is, however, that updating this "common perpendicular" element.
If I change the definition of my two lines, the perpendicular created does not follow ie does not update.
How can we use the measure tool to create this common perpendicular but that can be updated if I change the definition of my lines?

Thank you in advance for your help.

This question is still topical.

Apparently, this method is not possible if one wants the perpendicular to change according to the definition of the common perpendicular.

We have to go through wired constructions. 

Would you know how I can easily create this perpendicular that can be modified according to the definition of my lines?

I was told that we should use associated lines. Will you know where it is?

I'm copying a version where I used the measure tool.



Hello yes you actually have to associate two lines (only if you want the ends of the second line to be on the reference lines).


  1. create a line (any type, but it must not be infinite).
  2. Right-click on this right (Isolate)
  3. Constrain this line on the references (we can only place one vertexus coincide on one of the references, we constrain a distance to 0 between the isolated line and the second reference, then the two perpendicular).
  4.  If desired, we associate a new line (Point, direction / until) to obtain the perpendicular to the two references, each of whose vertices and coincides  on a reference)

Hello Franck,

Thank you for your feedback. 
Very interesting this trick of isolating a room in order to then impose constraints on it.
Here are my questions about your method:
- At the element level, I like to use only explicit elements (so not implicit ones like vertex, edge...). To do this, if I need a point on a line, I construct it with the extremum function. If I had understood correctly, this allows a slightly more robust design in case of modifications on the wireframe on the one hand.
- otherwise, at the end of step 3, we must "de-isolate" the line so that the geometric constraints apply to it.

On the other hand, I tried to do a little differently but I didn't succeed.
So much for the method:
1) Step 1: identical using a point line and choosing point 1 and point 3,
2) Step 2: Same (isolate)
3) Step 3: I built my endpoints of my right with the extremums function
4) Step 4 : I add the constraints like you. On the other hand, when I update it seems that it doesn't work. My right has moved but there are exclamation marks in terms of constraints.

1) Can you see what's wrong with me that I'm copying you?
2) Once this problem is solved, the next step will be to make a small "PerpendicularCommon" tool (like an optimized copy, "the way" because I don't know if it's possible) that places this common perpendicular from 2 lines while preserving the construction under the PerpendicularCommune line and that can be updated. If you have any ideas on this point, I'm interested in it but let's finish point 1 already.

Thank you very much for your help.




Dixit: at the end of step 3, should we "deisolate" the line so that the geometric constraints apply to it.

No, it is precisely the fact that the right is isolated that makes it possible to constrain it

In step 4 you have placed the two perpendiculars, the contact between the extremum-1 and D-2 but the next distance constraint must be between Right.8 and D1 you have to destroy it and redo it.

This is the point I noted in my first answer in step 3 (we can only place one coinciding vertex): the extremums are the vertices, they cannot go further than the length of the line.

If you're looking to have the line and two points, you can use an infinite line and then two isolated points that you coincidentally   constrain one on Right.8 and D1,  the other on Right.8 and D2

For the optimized copy, no PB, you just have to take out the references in point and D-1 D-2 inputs in another geometric set and then create the copy by selecting the geometric set that contains the constraints, the straight lines and the two points

To reconstruct this, it will be enough to select two lines in the new CATPart.

I would like to draw your attention to the fact that this copy will not work if the two lines are intersecting because the perpendicular would be equal to 0.