Upgrading to Solidworks 2023?

Hello to you dear colleagues of the forum!

Due to lack of time, it's been a while since I've come to greet you. The opportunity presents itself today! (I note that the forum has become more beautiful over the years)

We have been working on Solidworks 2018 for a few years and we are very happy with it (Not too many bugs, a fairly stable version), but we would now like to have access to the latest versions.
Are any of you currently working on Solidworks 2023? What is your feedback regarding the frequency of possible bugs or stability? Is it better to use the 2022 version for now?
Thank you :wink:


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For my part, I use the 2022 SP5 without too many worries (welded construction, sheet metal, small assembly).
For the moment the 2023 is only available in SP0.1, the 0.x service packs are not known to be very reliable. Personally I never use them, I expect at least an SP1.x.

Kind regards.


Hello Gauthik67,
All the best.
We are in SW2022 SP4.
We prefer to wait at least until sp4 for a new version.
Indeed the 2018 was very good, from there we went to the 2020 and then the 2022.
There you go.



My advice: Never install anything other than SP5.0 for a work environment. e
Ideally wait one or 2 months after its release in case of SP5.1 (if they did it on the spur of the moment on the 2021 from memory).
So the 2023 is not to be installed before September / October.


Indeed I thought that we were currently more advanced than the 2023 sp 0.1, so I will stay on the 2022 like you.
Thank you for your answers!

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In 2022 sp5, very stable, at the top :ok_hand:


I confirm what @froussel said, we work with an annual update but we are going for the n-1 version in SP5 (see 5.1 for the 2021 indeed).
SP0 is good for those who are not afraid to debug but who also have the possibility to upgrade their version during the year.

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Hello @Cyril.f ,

A small question slightly off topic: from memory you have EPDM.
So you update all your files (new version) every time you change the version of Solidworks (so every year)?
Or do you work with files that convert every time you open it? If so, does this cause problems (recalculation time, bugs...)?

Thank you

We convert part of our database every year only to avoid messages of the previous version type and longer opening times due to conversion.
It takes us an almost full weekend with generally between 6 and 8 workstations available to do the work in batches of files.


Thanks for the prompt feedback.
This is also what we did during our last conversion (only the parts and assemblies though).

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