Scaling of dimensions without affecting my drilling


I'd like to know if it's possible to scale on a set of parts (by which I mean that I want to scale on each of my parts) while keeping the initial diameters of my holes and their position.

When I tried, I simply put my holes after the "scaling" function, however I would like the position of my holes to be related to the scaling and that this position can move with the shrinking or magnification of my part.

I hope I have been precise in my explanations!

Thank you in advance.




A "hack" solution. Since putting the holes after the scale function seems to work, couldn't you create a drilling function just before with a very small diameter (like 0.1mm). The drilling function that you put after scaling you create it by taking the center of the previous holes. That way they should be able to follow the 0.1mm holes (which will vary in size but since they are initially small you shouldn't see them if they get bigger)


Well, there is surely a real solution to your problem...


I'm going to try that Martvy! Thank you

Problem solved! Thank you Martvy!!