Good evening
Your projections are correct, according to the European projection.
Let me give myself a few tips:
1. In the Options => Document Properties => Line Font => Visible Edges "I propose a thickness of 0.35mm, this will really make the difference between the hidden lines but especially with the dimensioning; Moreover, when we drew in the traditional mode, we used 0.35 or 0.5, or even 0.7: moreover, there is a standardization on this subject. "
2. In the Options => Document Properties => Line Style => I copy the definition of the mixed stroke to the Long Mixed "this will allow the centering axes and all the 'automatic' axes to have a better look." In addition, on the vertical axis, you have two overlapping strokes (cutting plane + centering axis), Result: we see a continuous line.
3. Install the designation of the cup at the top of the view and without the word "cup", it comes from the English (and Germanic) translations. In France, we don't note 'Coupe', we accept the word 'Detail'.
4. In this kind of part, with 3 or three tapped holes placed at 120° (by the way, the 120° axes are missing), the cut "speaks" better if it also follows the path: Broken cut with intersecting planes. We take advantage of a cut to show the interior and in fact, this interior running at 120° would be more perceptive ;-)
5. The name of the section: C-C, is (for several years now) an extension of the section plan and no longer on the arrows (Too bad, I prefer your representation).
I still take the liberty of posting an example (dated for the start of the school year on March 2nd). Solidworks makes it easier for us to create illustrations by being able to insert perspectives, realistic renderings, etc. so I don't deprive myself of it. Starting from the fact of making an easy and clear reading, the technical side will always cling to the standards of drawings, dimensions, geometries,...
Good luck to you, friendly,
Lou B.