Sheet format drawing


I remember that the question must have already been asked but I can't find it.


So: I made a plan in A3 format with my superb cartridge, my references to my part file so that everything is automatic, and I would just like to change the A0 background.... A4 while keeping my cartridge and saving them in turn as a template (as I did for my A3-mep.drwdot)


My last model I had created blocks and then exploded delete, but there are always manipulations when you integrate an image (example logo). 


If you can find me the link, thank you in advance.


You need to make background plans of all formats (A0, A1, ... A4) each containing their own cartridge.

- To make a basemap - File - Save the basemap

- To keep the title block and avoid having to redo it each time: Copy/Paste from the already done title block to the new basemap. You can also make a block of the cartouche and put it on each background of the plane.

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Be careful, the cartridge block shifts part of the texts (it's a SolidWorks Bug).

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Maybe the tutorial available on Lynkoa can help you:


And the question was probably this:


@ Lucas

It's not that question but it was just the method of how to change the format of the sheet without touching the cartridge. The how to do in the cartridge I have mastered since the SW2013 version with the properties of parts 

The idea of just changing the size of the sheet without touching the background of the plan seemed much simpler than what I am doing now


@ alain.erp

I haven't been in school for a long time, but it's not the worry of what I have to do but how to simplify my life.

I make meca and elec plans for several companies, and I have a cartouche with different logo depending on the customer.

My formats are European and American on the whole range of formats and to be repeated for each company.


The plus is that I have exactly the same cartridge format for all the companies with the automatic properties of where the block, the less it is the logo insertion image (jpg or png) that does not follow in case of copying and pasting from one background to another. The property that magically changes between linked document/short model



Is that why !!!!


There is something I don't understand:

You talk about background plan, sheet size and document template... they are different things!

The document template (.drwdot) has nothing to do with the baseline, the size of the sheet, or the title block, it is only a file that may contain a basemap but above all the options that you find in tools, option, document property, or the type of projection.

The basemap (.slddrt) defines the size of the sheet, it also contains the title block which itself contains the notes related to the different properties.

In short, in your case, it seems to me that what you need are different backgrounds and not document templates.

If you don't want to go through the blocks, it is possible to change the size of the paper from one of your basemaps and then move the elements you need instead.

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I think you have put your finger on it


When you say:

"If you don't want to go through the blocks, it is possible to change the size of the paper from one of your basemaps and then move the elements you need instead."


That's what I'm trying to do but I don't see how to change the size of the paper while keeping my cartridge.