Drawing: different registration between BOM and views (several configurations)


I have an overview plan (iso views) with 3 configurations (to simplify):

An iso "A" view, an "B" iso view and a last "A+B"

My nomenclature points to the A+B configuration. If I do my location (bubble) on my views in config A and config B according to the article code, I end up with article codes that do not correspond to the nomenclature (config A+B). So I do my location according to the part number (BOM). So far so good.

my client wants me to do my location in article code... 

Can we integrate a second line (handwritten or not) to a part number type marking? This is in order to have the car tracking via the BOM and the article number (even handwritten)?

Or simply, can we have the same bubble (in article code) as my nomenclature, on my configurations different from that of the nomenclature.

Hoping I was clear

Thanks in advance


I'm making it simple because I have more config and this for the sake of mounting elements by layers.

Right-click/property on the views of config A and B, in the panel that will open, you will be able to choose the BOM table to use for the bubble.

Great, it's exactly what I was looking for.

Thank you.