Solid plan 2020


I just migrated to Solid 2020 and I lost my drawing formats.

How can we find them?

(previous version of Solid 2018)


Drawing templates are files with the .drwdot extension.

By default they are in C:\ProgramData\SOLIDWORKS\SOLIDWORKS 20xx


Thank you

I still can't get my backgrounds when I use the drawing function




You can always open your old plans with your cartridges and other custom things and save them, in the new directory.

You can also if you have kept your old 2018 version, just go and search for your files.

==> Program Data ==>SW ==> sw 2018 ==> Lang ==> french ==> sheet format.

On the other hand, it could be that your background plans turn blue : if so, we will tell you how to launder them (without fear of the tax authorities).

Kind regards



You have to recreate the links  in the solidworks options.

I point to the drawing templates created and saved in a folder  on our network for my part. This prevents them from being overwritten during a reinstallation. 


File location options

Specify the folders in which to search for different types of documents. The files are "searched" in the order in which they appear.

To display the dialog box:

Click Options  or Tools > Options, and then select File Locations.

Document Templates Tabs




To change the default template:

  1. Click Options Tool_Options_Standard.gif  or Tools > Options.
  2. Select Default Templates.
  3. Click the appropriate Browse button (Parts, Assemblies, or Drawings).
  4. In the New SOLIDWORKS Document dialog box, select the model you have prepared and click OK.
  5. Select
    • Always use default document templates
    • Require the user to select a document template
  6.  Click OK.



Thank you all for your help.

finally I recreated a background map  and found the paths to open it.thank you

On the other hand I created it for a format I can't "paste" it on an A4 format.

Can we do this manipe ?

Kind regards


You can create blocks for the title, blocks for revision tables.... everything that does not evolve from plan to plan.

You have to redo the outline though. There is a border feature in Solidworks.



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