Plancing: Remove hidden edge selection


I am currently working on Solidworks 2019, since this version when I make a drawing I can select the hidden edges without them being apparent. I would like to remove this option because when dimensioning the drawing I constantly select these hidden edges. I searched in Solidworks but can't find the option to deactivate, do you know where I can find it?

Thank you in advance.

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Wouldn't you have this option checked in the system options?

If so, try unchecking it.

Kind regards

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No, the option is deactivated, I tried to check it and uncheck it again but it doesn't change anything.

Thank you

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I also have this problem since the installation of SW2019


And by unchecking this option? 

Have a nice day



The option is not checked, I also tried to check and uncheck.

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Indeed, the option I proposed to modify is only valid for tangent edges. On the other hand, I just tried with the option offered by @jmsavoyat and for me it works very well (I'm in SW2018 SP5 version). By checking it, I can select the hidden edges, and no longer select them when this option is unchecked.

I don't have Solidworks 2019 SP5 so I can't check with this version but I think you're dealing with a bug, try to get it back up via a ticket so that it can be fixed in future versions (unfortunately, the 2019 version is in service pack 5 and will no longer be updated! but that's another debate).

Have a nice day


I just tested with 2019SP5 that I just installed: the behavior is normal (compliant according to the @jmsavoyat option).

Hard method:
- tick the box;
- turn off the machine;
- turn the machine back on;
- Uncheck the box.




Thank you for your answers, I did the 2019 SP5 update and it fixed the problem well. Thank you for your help.

Have a nice day