Shadow Modeling


In a CAD environment: AutoCAD or solidworks, having a 2000x1000 rectangle in the YZ  plane a light source positioned at (-10000 ,0.2000) from the midpoint of the lower horizontal base, how to retrieve the shadow model in the XY plane. The point-by-point search for the image outline of the shadow is possible but tedious.

NB: -the projection plane (XY) is not perpendicular to the projection axis.


Big THANK YOU to the kindness and gratitude of everyone who has answered and will answer my questions



No software specified!


For SolidWorks:

A projection can probably answer this problem:


Simply select the total contour of the part by converting the entities ( create an axis that will be the direction of projection and that will represent the path of light, and project everything onto a surface or plane normal to that axis.


Another example:

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Hi on which log?

otherwise you take a screenshot you save it as an image

You insert this image into a new part in a sketch via Sketch Image in Solidworks and you draw the outline

@+ ;-)


There is no solution to recover the geometry of shadows in solidworks

except for the GT22 solution

on the other hand, reasoning differently

by creating the geometry of the smoothing light between a point (source) and the rectangle 

then the geometry is extrapolated to the plane that receives the shadow




The point-by-ponit projection of the object according to the path of the light on the projection plane remains the only solution to my problem so far.