Modeling an Aircraft Propeller

Hello diiity,

So, what I can tell you is that the apcsf_9x4.7_geom.txt file contains the following information:

1st column (r/R) Positioning of the plane (ratio between the location of the plane and the nominal radius of your helix) 0 being the center of your helix and 1 is equal to the tip of the blade

2nd column (C/R) String of your profile. This is the length of your profile. (I don't know in what value it is expressed)

3rd column (beta) Angle formed by the profile.

Contrary to what we may have thought previously, the step is not constant on most of the examples seen in the software mentioned above. This is why the 3rd column (beta) exists. The value does not derive from a trigonometric calculation but from a function that I do not know.

Finally, this information could already allow you to start generating a smoothing in SolidWorks. You know the location of the plane, the chord of the profile, and the angle. That's what you wanted. What you might be missing is the rulers that position these profiles to form a harmonious blade...

Finally, the propscript software, which I tested, allows you to configure the parameters of a propeller by modifying its code. The script will generate a SolidWorks macro to create a smoothing of the blade. I don't understand it well because the code is relatively little commented on. For me it's still a black box... You should contact its author if you want to continue in this direction. You can find examples of macro code in the propscript software tree. If you paste this code into an SW macro, you can generate a blade.



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Hello Steve,

Which script to paste is the ones with the rb extension if that's what it's for?

I did a test with a file and this extension, a large part of the text is in red in the VB macro, apparently it's not that or I'm completely dumped?

In fact, I don't know how to use gitHub or at least the scripts that are there.



Then the files containing macros are as follows: TMotor155.txt  and TMotor1861.txt

You need to edit them and copy the entire code.=>  Ctrl+A / Ctrl+C

Open a new SW part file (empty)

Tool menu=> macro => new => (give the macro a name)

Replace the entire code with the contents of the memory => Ctrl+A  / Ctrl+C

Run the macro

The part file will then contain a smoothing of your pale. A+






Great, it works well under SW 2018 but with SW 2013 when I click on new, it crashes and it annoys me because it's with 2013 that I draw, the 2018 is only used to read all files.

In the scripts, there is a lot of data and especially the data that allows you to place the profile in relation to the first one, its angle and as well as the chord which also varies.

These are the only data that I lack and that I can't define.

I dissected the scripts and understood a little but to adapt them, it's not easy.

I located the part concerning the coordinates of the different profiles, easy it is written ;-)

I also located the position, it's the part that is at the bottom of the file, it would be the curve that forms all the points at the trailing edge, kind of guide curve.

Now we would have to find to adapt it to another profile, there too it's not easy...

I also recovered a file that looks interesting that I got here

On the other hand I can't do it works with Excel 2007, but it works under 2003, weird...


