Modelling of an existing hydraulic system with 3d grid

This tutorial is very good but I have to model in 3D an existing piping installation, for my grid I can create it in ref and thus have it in each room I open? If so, how to do it?
Because in an assembly I have less function,
I tried to insert mechanically welded components such as pipe diam 50 from my library
but I can't do it in an assembly... thank you for your help

Hi @ Nicolas


Do not confuse welded mechanic and assembly 


  1. An assembly is made of independent parts that are connected to each other via 
  2. a welded mechanic is actually several elements connected together via welds that make only one unremovable whole  so 1 part with several united bodies
  3. 3D Sketching Systems allow you to create a 3D sketch (a tube axis to position it at the right latitude and longitude) then via your construction line or you do a sweep via sketches in a library or other extrusion......


 @+ ;-)



Look at this SW module, for your application I think it's the best!

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You need the Piping module (in Routing) to create a hydraulic installation properly.

All the accessories are there and the pipes are very easily generated.

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The 3D grid is very interesting to make a metal structure if it is well ordered (manageable by a 3D grid). It can only be used in this case (in a part - multi-body) not directly in an assembly. To my knowledge, there is nothing equivalent in assembly or routing. But you can create a new part in the assembly and put the 3D grid on it.



Last clarification, of this 3D grid, you can't directly trace the piping but it can be used as a grid because you can make a 3D sketch that relies on the points


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Thank you for your help