Modeling a Part, Solidworks


I would like to ask for your help because I have a problem modeling a part, it is in fact a stack of curved parts that are removable and driven by two pivot points (

 I tried a circular repetition but the pieces intersect and don't overlap. I also tried to do them one by one and put constraints but I get a multitude of errors. 

Thank you and hope you have a solution to my little problem. 


You have to make your pieces 1/1

and lay an axle via the assembly

make constraints of each piece 

via this axis and coincidences of faces

and it's settled 


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You create your 1st piece and then you make a family of this part of the number of parts that will make up your assembly.


Hello, I join Ac cobra 427, the simplest is a family of parts.

Just don't forget when you modify a rib to say it's for this piece or all variants. (a classic :) )

Then in your assembly you put a single piece and then make you a circular repeater.

At this stage it necessarily overlaps, so all that remains is to select the corresponding variant for each repetition.


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Thanks to the three of you, I tried the part family but without success, I think it works with excel and I use free office so not an xls format.

I fell back on creating the pieces one by one and it worked. Thank you! 

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