Modeling a bent sheet metal


I'm developing a small project that seemed simple to me on paper, but which is much less so on solidworks...

To put it simply, I try to get this result:

The idea is to shape a sheet metal with a simple bend, but which does not spread along the entire length! I tried the "Sketched Fold" tool, but I can't control the length of the fold:

I then tried the "Transition Fold" tool, but then I have a problem controlling the shape of my object:

So does it seem possible to bend a surface/extrusion over a certain length on Solidworks?

Thank you!


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By taking your head, you will be able to remodel it on Solidworks, but do it according to folding in order to be able to unfold it afterwards ... I don't think it's possible.

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In my humble opinion you must either pass

_par of the surface via profile  sketches and guide curves

_ou via the stamping tool to create a specific tool for your workpiece

otherwise live tolerie niet

or also via a 2-piece assembly your spoon and the handle that you can connect via leaves

@+ ;-))




Is it the most important shape or is it the fact of making it by a fold?

Without going through sheet metal there will be sweeping.


Otherwise, you can make a 1st part of the piece with the folding. And then you do the "bossing, smoothed base" function. With a sketch modeled on your 1st part. 

A second sketch a little further on with the 1/2 oval shape. And you join the whole thing (don't forget to specify that it's part of the same part in your extrusion)


It's more of the stamping of the simple sheet metal your part, right?


Sheet metal specialists will soon arrive (@Bart are you there?), but if it's feasible in sheet metal, it's only since SW14, where there have been big evolutions on this module.

Which version of SW are you in?

If sheet metal work doesn't work, @Tomalam's answer is the simplest and most relevant!


Yes, by folding under sw, impossible.


With a tool of form, but the unfolded will not be done...


As can be seen in the image, the folds are continuous, but the radius varies. So impossible to do in sheet metal. Sorry.


You can try to make it in 3 different sheet metals, one for the handle, one for the tip and one for the transition of the 2 plies. But I think that's not the point.




It would have been too good to be possible:) I'm using SW14, I'll try by scanning...

Thank you for your answers in any case!

Here is what I was able to do in surface smoothing surface in 2 steps one step disagree the gentleman

can do better you have to take your time to optimize the thing ;-)

see the file in SW 2012


@+ ;-))


If anyone has some time to recover my file in the previous post and it has SW 2015 

which from what I've heard is able to unfold the shapes of the toe of a boot shell

so maybe you have to be able to unfold this piece 

thanks for the help



I try when I have a moment Gt22 ;)

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Thanks @ Bart

it's not for me

but simply for the poster and

know if SW2015 is able to do it ;-)

a surface unfold yes 

@+ ;-))


I tried to take a quick look. Apparently it has to be a surface. In your @GT22 room there are two volumetric bodies.

I think we would need a single surface body. To dig into...

See help:

@ remrem at the base it's 2 surfaces that have been thickened to create a volume body

to allow me to cut it since the log

decided not to do what I asked of him

so in the feature manager you have 2 surfaces

@+ ;-))

Thanks for the advice, I tested a little trick, and it's on the right track:

I did this with a simple smoothed surface; the junction between the handle and the oval part is a bit ugly, but I just figured out how to do the thing in one surface while still managing the shape - Thanks for the help! :)