Fan modeling



I have to model a fan for an implantation, and I take the trouble to do the escagot part (for the rest I manage). So I call on the modeling experts for a little help.

Thank you


Do you use SolidWorks?

If so, in which version?

You should be able to draw inspiration from this:

same method, with round and hollow profile;)


See this link

@+ ;-)




Is it a modeling for representation? Or do you have to be faithful?


If it's just for representation, I would advise you to do it by bossing/base/swept With your guide curve that follows the shape of the snail (on the other hand you have to put yourself in the "middle" of the Ø) an input shape with the Ø125

And then you extrude the central shape which should fill in the "holes"


Another solution, you do an extrusion. You have the dimensions for the outer shape, you know the thickness (125). Then you do the fillet function on the edges to get a rounded shape.


The last one is probably the simplest by the way. But you lose a little on the aesthetic side

What makes it nice on your link@Gt22

I would have made a round sweep then an extrusion on each side of the snail to make it flat and then shell to make it hollow

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I'm on solidworks 2015 Premium


I don't need any clarification on this piece, it's just for reprissetation. I see it more as a concrete example to learn, because otherwise I'll make a simple torus.

I did a few tests with a spiral, but without success, I have an error when scanning.


Just in case, you can find some here:

or here:

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And if you can ever make us a nice tutorial when you succeed, it could be tip top:)

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Thank you aurelien for the links, it helped me out. But I would have liked to see how we do it, if someone can do it, I'm all for it.

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that was in response to a question posted here and + by me

but impossible to find despite my research

I have the file in SW 2012 if you're interested

Screenshot of your scroll via your pdf to optimize I did it quickly

I can also give the file in SW 2012

It is easier to  do via the surface tool

@+ ;-)



@gt22, I'm taking your SW file to see how you did it! :)

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@ Aurélien

see attached SW 2012 file of Mathieu's volute



Thank you gt22! I was expecting to see the one in blue :), I'm very interested in it!

This question @gt22?

HS but there was also this one:


@ Benoit you're a big chef yes that was it ;-)

I did some research on the forum and impossible to find

which of + is the images and file look like they have disappeared

it's super great to find your little ones ;-(

thank you @+ ;-)

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here @ Aurélien the part to change color ;-)


test to know the SW limit

it's in surface in volume not managed to get through with my 20012 version

@+ ;-)

if for fun you work on it give news thank you

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@gt22, not a chef, I just have the right tool ;-)

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yes you need the right toolbox ;-)

not everything is present here ;-)

Thank you

@+ ;-)

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