I use a basic macro to save my drawings in PDF/DWG that I got from the internet. I would like to make it evolve on 2 points:
Store PDFs in a PDF subfolder and the same for DWGs, in my Drawing folder
I would like to be able to open the part of my drawing and create STEP which will be saved in a subfolder of my parts folder.
I'm new to SW macros and I'm a bit lost, if anyone can help me
Here's the code:
Dim swApp As Object
Dim Part As Object
Dim boolstatus As Boolean
Dim longstatus As Long, longwarnings As Long
Dim FeatureData As Object
Dim Feature As Object
Dim Component As Object
Sub main()
Set swApp = Application.SldWorks
Set Part = swApp.ActiveDoc
Path = Part.GetPathName 'Chemin du fichier
'Enregistrement PDF
Part.SaveAs2 Left(Path, (Len(Path) - 6)) & "PDF", 0, True, False '
'Enregistrement DWG
Part.SaveAs2 Left(Path, (Len(Path) - 6)) & "DWG", 0, True, False '
MsgBox " Enregistrement réussi", vbInformation
Set Part = Nothing
End Sub
For an equivalent topic (dwg-pdf and step) see this one: the macro of @Cyril.f is functional:
The only thing to change if you're happy with it will be the addition of folders. (Pdf, Dwg, Step) ̈There are several methods to do this, but you need to know: 1-If your filename has the same number of characters or not, to be able to retrieve the folder name. And for the step here only step on part if assembly it won't work.
' PathName of current model document
Dim sModelFullPath As String
sModelFullPath = swModel.GetPathName
' get path name without filename
Dim sFilePath As String
sFilePath = Left(sModelFullPath, InStrRev(sModelFullPath, "\"))
' get filename and extension
Dim sFileName As String
sFileName = Right(sModelFullPath, Len(sModelFullPath) - InStrRev(sModelFullPath, "\"))
' get filename without extension
Dim sFileNameWithoutExtension As String
sFileNameWithoutExtension = Left(sFileName, InStrRev(sFileName, ".") - 1)
' combine everything to new path name
Dim sNewFullPath As String
sNewFullPath = prefix & sFileNameWithoutExtension & "REV" & CurrRev & ".pdf"
' SaveAs with new full path
Set swExportPDFData = swApp.GetExportFileData(1)
swModel.Extension.SaveAs sNewFullPath, 0, 0, swExportPDFData, 0, 0
Thank you for this feedback, I tested the code but it doesn't work on my PC, I have a message that tells me that I have an undefined block on line 118.
As for the files, they do not have the same number of characters, they are made up as follows: XXXX-XXXX-XXX-XXX - Designation
Concerning the steps I am only looking to do room drawings.
If I understand the following code correctly, is it to add the path for saving files of the different formats?
Probably the clue (Revision) that he can't find. And with this code:
Option Explicit
Public Enum swDocumentTypes_e
swDocNONE = 0 ' Used to be TYPE_NONE
swDocPART = 1 ' Used to be TYPE_PART
swDocASSEMBLY = 2 ' Used to be TYPE_ASSEMBLY
swDocDRAWING = 3 ' Used to be TYPE_DRAWING
End Enum
Dim swApp As SldWorks.SldWorks
Dim swModel As SldWorks.ModelDoc2
Dim swDraw As SldWorks.DrawingDoc
Dim swView As SldWorks.View
Dim swConfig As SldWorks.Configuration
Dim vSheetNameArr As Variant
Dim vSheetName As Variant
Dim I As Long
Dim nDocType As Long
Dim op As Long
Dim suppr As Long
Dim lErrors As Long
Dim lWarnings As Long
Dim boolstatus As Boolean
Dim bRet As Boolean
Dim FileConnu As Boolean
Dim nbConnu As Integer
Dim sModelName As String
Dim sPathName As String
Dim TabConnu(10000) As String
Dim sConfigName As String
Dim sModelFullPath As String
Dim sFilePath As String
Dim sFileName As String
Dim sFileNameWithoutExtension As String
Sub main()
Set swApp = Application.SldWorks
boolstatus = swApp.SetUserPreferenceIntegerValue(swStepAP, 214) 'Force la version AP214
boolstatus = swApp.SetUserPreferenceIntegerValue(swStepExportPreference, swAcisOutputGeometryPreference_e.swAcisOutputAsSolidAndSurface) 'Force l'export en format Solid/Surface Geometry
Set swModel = swApp.ActiveDoc
' PathName of current model document
sModelFullPath = swModel.GetPathName
' get path name without filename
sFilePath = Left(sModelFullPath, InStrRev(sModelFullPath, "\"))
' get filename and extension
sFileName = Right(sModelFullPath, Len(sModelFullPath) - InStrRev(sModelFullPath, "\"))
' get filename without extension
sFileNameWithoutExtension = Left(sFileName, InStrRev(sFileName, ".") - 1)
Debug.Print sFilePath & "Pdf\" & sFileNameWithoutExtension & ".pdf"
'On vérifie si le dossier de sauvegarde existe sinon création de ce dossier
If Dir(sFilePath & "Pdf\", vbDirectory) = vbNullString Then
MkDir sFilePath & "Pdf\"
End If
swModel.Extension.SaveAs sFilePath & "Pdf\" & sFileNameWithoutExtension & ".pdf", swSaveAsCurrentVersion, swSaveAsOptions_Silent, Nothing, lErrors, lWarnings
'On vérifie si le dossier de sauvegarde existe sinon création de ce dossier
If Dir(sFilePath & "Dwg\", vbDirectory) = vbNullString Then
MkDir sFilePath & "Dwg\"
End If
swModel.Extension.SaveAs sFilePath & "Dwg\" & sFileNameWithoutExtension & ".dwg", swSaveAsCurrentVersion, swSaveAsOptions_Silent, Nothing, lErrors, lWarnings
'On vérifie si le dossier de sauvegarde existe sinon création de ce dossier
If Dir(sFilePath & "Step\", vbDirectory) = vbNullString Then
MkDir sFilePath & "Step\"
End If
Call ExportStep
End Sub
Sub ExportStep()
Set swDraw = swModel
vSheetName = swDraw.GetSheetNames
vSheetNameArr = swDraw.GetSheetNames
For Each vSheetName In vSheetNameArr
bRet = swDraw.ActivateSheet(vSheetName): Debug.Assert bRet
Set swView = swDraw.GetFirstView 'Sélectionne le fond de plan
Set swView = swView.GetNextView 'Passe à la vue suivante pour exclure le fond de plan
While Not swView Is Nothing
' Determine if this is a view of a part or assembly
sModelName = swView.GetReferencedModelName
sModelName = LCase(sModelName)
sConfigName = swView.ReferencedConfiguration
FileConnu = False
If InStr(sModelName, "sldprt") > 0 Then
nDocType = swDocPART
ElseIf InStr(sModelName, "slasm") > 0 Then
nDocType = swDocASSEMBLY
nDocType = swDocNONE
Exit Sub
End If
If nDocType = 1 Then
For I = 1 To nbConnu
If UCase(sModelName) & " - " & UCase(sConfigName) = TabConnu(I) Then
FileConnu = True
End If
If Not FileConnu Then
nbConnu = nbConnu + 1
TabConnu(nbConnu) = UCase(sModelName) & " - " & UCase(sConfigName)
Call Export
End If
End If
Set swView = swView.GetNextView
Next vSheetName
End Sub
Sub Export()
Set swModel = swApp.ActivateDoc3(sModelName, True, swOpenDocOptions_Silent, lErrors)
Set swModel = swApp.ActiveDoc
boolstatus = swModel.ShowConfiguration2(sConfigName)
Set swConfig = swModel.GetActiveConfiguration
sPathName = sFilePath & "Step\" & sFileNameWithoutExtension & ".step"
'sPathName = swModel.GetPathName & ".step"
If Dir(sPathName, vbHidden) <> "" Then 'Test l'existence du fichier
suppr = MsgBox("Le fichier " & sPathName & " existe déjà, voulez vous le supprimer?", vbYesNo) 'Message utilisateur confirmation de suppression oui/non
If suppr = vbYes Then 'Réponse Oui
Kill (sPathName) 'Suppression du fichier existant
swModel.SaveAs2 sPathName, 0, True, False 'Enregistrement du fichier
op = MsgBox("Le fichier a été enregistré sous " & sPathName & vbNewLine)
Else 'Réponse NON
MsgBox ("Fichier conservé") 'Message utilisateur
End If
swModel.SaveAs2 sPathName, 0, True, False 'Enregistrement du fichier
op = MsgBox("Le fichier a été enregistré sous " & sPathName) 'Message utilisateur
End If
swApp.CloseDoc (sModelName)
Set swModel = swApp.ActiveDoc
End Sub
If I can, I'll open a PC with the 2023 to test, but not possible for now. See if you delete call ExportStep already if the pdf and the dwg are well done to start with.
I tested on SW2023 the 3 files are exported to my home. So it doesn't come from the file name. Are your files local or on networks? No special characters in your file path? Try by copying to C:\Temp\YourFiles for example to see if it works
I'm drying too! Can you edit the macro, add the Execution and Local Variables windows (see image), then click just after Sub main() and press F8 just so that it bugs?
Basically, lacerate the macro step by step. And check in the local variable window the value of sModelName when it crashes: