Editing a Smart Component


I created a smart component on an object that imports screws, diode spacers... and a drilling function, everything works well but I realized that a hole was too close to a diode and that's where my problem arises, impossible to move the hole, on the basic assembly when creating the smart component I put it in the new chosen place but as soon as I ask for the function on another part the drilling remains at The starting point, I tried to redo the function several times but nothing changes.

Maybe it's a manipulation that I skip because I don't see at all why it doesn't work.

Kind regards




just to understand!

Is the hole created in a part of a sub-assembly or do you create the hole directly in the ASM?

Kind regards

PS: which version of SW????


The hole is created in the assembly and then I remove all relationships with the other parts. I'm on solidworks 2019 SP2 (next time I'll wait before doing an update :-)  )

After several tries, the only solution I found is to redo the part that receives the holes and recreate my smart component....... like that it works but changing the location of the hole no, I have to create a new piece each time if I want to change the position of a hole....