Text Sketch Modification (Laser Cutting)


I would like to know how to modify a text sketch to leave some holders when cutting

here is an example to hold the center of the O, the R and the A

Kind regards



Here is a link I put online for laser cut text.



Or, if you want to stay with this font, you will have to make a new sketch after extrusion to add material in the desired places.

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Is it a font you created? where did you find it on the net?

Yes PhilippeB, I have to keep this font, can you give me details after the extrusion?


Thank you in advance


FYI we call it a "stencil" font (for laser cutting or stencil) 

No, if you have lasers, you should have them too. They were in the writings in the programming software.

ok but I have to use this font


You need to add an extrusion function to create a "leg" that would attach the center of the O to the outside, for example.

Right-click on the text and then unlink ;-)

max59, "Right-click on the text and then unlink ;-)" on the sketch text??? An example because I have nothing.... I dissolved the text of the sketch but that doesn't solve the problem!

Yes, dissolve, sorry. Then add the missing lines and cut with the Adjust Features tool.