Change line weights in a drawing



I have another question.


When I draw (in 3D) a part or an assembly, I add the surrounding parts (so I have an assembly with the parts that interest me plus the surrounding parts).


My problem comes during the drawing. To differentiate the part (or the set) to be made from the environment in which it is located, I modify the thickness of the lines of the environment (I make them thinner).

For the moment, I make his to the bone by selecting edge by edge and modifying their thickness.


Do you have a trick to quickly change all the edges of a room in a drawing?



Thanks in advance



If all the pieces in the environment were in double mixed line, would it suit you or not?

If this is the case, create a configuration of the assembly where the environment parts are all in a deleted state and a configuration or they are all in resolved.

Then one does the drawing of the assembly in the configuration where we don't see the environment parts, then we insert a "other position" view using the second configuration where there are all the parts.

At that time all the components that are present only in the second configuration will appear in mixed doubles



You can also right-click on your component, in the drawing view, then "Component Font" and uncheck the "Use Document Settings" option. This font can be used either on the selected view or on all views.

Kind regards


Thank you jmsavoyat, your technique suits me wonderfully.


Thank you also fthomas for your help.

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If you are in SW 2013 you can also switch your parts or sub-assemblies to "Envelope" mode so that on the drawing there is automatically a different type of line.





Hello again,


Is there a solution for the same problem, but with a multi-body piece. (Change the line font of a body in a room).


Thank you in advance.

