Change automatic counter increments via SmartCounter



I want to change the increment of a counter created via SmartCounter (myCADtools).

I can access the definition of the desired counter via the EPDM administration and then the myCADtools property. My meter is set to manage automatic counters by study number, which it does very well. My problem is that I would like to change the increment value of some of these counters but I can only see them and not change them.

Anyone have the solution?


Attached image: General counter and automatic counters created.



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It's okay, I found, there is an XML file in the SmartCounter options that allows you to see all the counters and their value that you can modify.

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I have a problem with the meters. I would like my counter to start again at 0 every time I want to increment a registration to my parts via the batch properties. As an attachment, the last incremented value appears in the "Value: 20" cell. In the xml file, you can see where this value is. If I reload my BatchProperties, the counter starts from this value but I would like it to start again at 0.

How can I do this? Can anyone help me?


Here is the structure of the xml file "Smartcounter.xml":

  <Counter name="Tracking" Version="1" id="ID908105543049" Auto="0" AutoName="<SW:Reference&#xD;> " type="4" RangeCounter="False" RangeUser="" RangeNbr="" RangeComment="" RangeDate="2019-07-25 11:05:19">
    <SubCounter id="" name="" type="1" Level="1">
      <Value value="20" StartValue="1" step="1" EndValue="999" />
      <Custom value="001" SeparatorList="; " LinkFileList="False" />
      <Format value="00#" />

Thank you for your help.
