Change the scale


I need to enlarge a model of a car that is drawn in surface ech 1/4, to integrate it into a full-size building assembly. Is there a simple solution under SW 2014? I attach the file at any chance

Thank you


Good evening


You can do this as explained on the link:



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Yes, there is a scale function that is added to the end of the tree: no dimension is modified:

Excerpt from SW Help:

Scale a room

You can scale a part model or a polygon model relative to its center of gravity, the model's origin, or a coordinate system.

To scale a solid or polygon model:

  1.  In a part document, click Scale  (Functions toolbar) or Insert > Functions > Scale .
  2. Set the options in the PropertyManager.
  3.  Click 

    The size of the model geometry increases or decreases based on scaling factors or other options that you have defined.

    The Scale feature applies only to the geometry of the model, and has no effect on dimensions, sketches, or reference geometry. To temporarily restore the template to its original size, you can resume or delete the Scale feature .


@Mathieu Anger I was missing this little icon.... Thank you

sorry @Lucas Prior first answered first noted.

See this question also: