Change the properties of default welded parts


I would like to know if it is possible to change the list of properties of soldered parts by default. 

In order to find the same variables and expressions for each new sheet metal body.

For example, I want the description to always default to the name assigned in the welded parts list, and I would also like to create custom properties that I don't need

to put back each time. 

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I have the same question as David_72. No one has the answer, whether it is possible or not?

Thank you


Hi all

I've also been looking for a solution for several years to modify the list of properties of welded parts by default and for the moment I'm tinkering to rename sheet metal bodies.

It is therefore possible to give a common name to sheet metal bodies in the "system option"/"document property" menu:

Then the bodies are renamed with the same name + the automatic increment between <.. >

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