Change the bend radius of an imported part

Hi all.

Regularly I have folded parts from some customers that I receive in Step file. Customers create parts that are regularly unfeasible due to a bending radius that is lower than recommended. (Ex: for a 4mm part I have a bending radius of 0.8mm, in other words it can be done by bending)

My question is the following, how to modify the bend radii of the imported part without using the "Featurworks" which is useless, without the part being modified?

Your imported part, do you rework it to have your unfolded? At that point you can remove the customer section and put your own?

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I have converted the folds to sheet metal but I can't change the existing ones. So I can't change the piage radius.

I'm thinking of a solution but if you had an example it would be easier to check :)

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Look at my tutorial, everything is there:

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I'm sending you an example of an imported part. if you manage to put a 13mm radius on me without redesigning the

I will be the happiest.


A radius of 13 Int???

Here's your piece


I'm trying your tutorial.

Yes, a radius of 13 int is 10 thick.

8-10-13-20 Optimal choice for us is 13


I just adapted the cutouts next to the folds since there is a change of radius and that's it  ^_^

I propose the following solution

Delete the faces (Shelf set by the customer)

Convert to sheet metal with your settings


EDIT ac cobra was faster than me ^^ and I don't adjust the folding games :/


EDIT 2 It is better to take the solution of ac cobra less risky:)


Thank you, I really like both solutions. Thanks for the quick responses.

Thank you Mad, but I'm putting the cobra tutorial as the best answer so that people come across it faster.

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No worries, that's the right answer^^

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