Modify a DXF to fit a sketch


I want to extrude a part with the pattern of a DXF file. I create my parts (sheet metal for underneath railing)1250x450mm. I import my DXF file and I can't adapt it to my sheet metal.

Do you have a solution? The DXF file may not be suitable

Thank you for your answers


You have to do a scaling operation on the entities of the sketch (edit the sketch / tools / sketching tools / scaling tools):



Eventually, before scaling, create a block, it will prevent you from moving everything when you select an edge


With the scaling you keep the you don't fall right, you can't stretch like with a sketch image

thank you for the quick answers!!


Can you give us the part?

may the force be with you.


nothing prevents you from making an image of your DXF

and to import this image into a sketch image

so there you will be able to stretch or contract proportionally your sketch image for your sheet metal

You are missing a line at the top right to take the correct outline of the cut-outs


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In order not to keep the proportions, you have to make a block, you can then differentiate the scale coef according to the axes (there is probably a check/uncheck box somewhere)

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I made a block but I can't find how  to differentiate the scales.

I can make an image but I have to trace all the shapes for each project so it's really too long


the file in pj


Sorry, I wrote too quickly: indeed, you can't make a different scale on the blocks.

So, you have to find a dxf file editor that allows the operation. Take a look at this discussion (, there are several avenues that are proposed.

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Hello, what exactly do you want?

or a homothety  equal to x y  in order to keep the proportions

Let us have an unequal  homothety in x  y  to adapt the shape to the part.

may the force be with you.



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I'll look at the link

I want uneven to fit the shape to the room 


Thank you for your answers 

One thing is for sure it can't be proportional

since your DXF sketch is 1500* 500

your sheet metal  1250*450 

so a ratio of 1.2 on the length

and 1.1111111111 across the width

Is there a choice to be made.....  


See if the attached file suits you, it must be 1250x450 once imported (in mm) into SW.

Kind regards


Here is your part via sketch image

About 2 hours of work via Coffee Break

At the right scale

a little thick since 20 mm

@+ ;-)PS:

With DXF-related style flaws

Volume curves can and should be  changed

to be + harmonious

from my point of view


Hello gt22,

Are you slowing down:)

5 minutes of work and on the right scale:

Okay, it's only 5mm thick...

Kind regards

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The part in SW2019 version as a bonus.

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Hi @ d.roger

yes  but me

I redid all the splines with a 1/1 hand

so yes it's Friday I'm slowing down...............; -)

@+ ;-)

I'm still in SW 2017 so I couldn't see your part or your way of doing it ;-(

but I gave you a +1 anyway

Hi @+

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Thank you very much guys!

D Roger how did you do it??

Yes but I'm a bit lazy so:

- Use of an excellent old 2D drawing software (Onespace Drafting) for the transformation of the dxf sketch and this thanks to a function designed for this and native in this software.

- Insertion of the dxf, in mm, in SW.


Kind regards

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Hats off @ D.Roger.................+1000

which does not prevent from my point of view that it would be wise to review certain forms

for better room harmony

@+ ;-)

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