Edit a Solidworks basemap

Hello everyone,


I currently have 3 A4, A3 and A0 basemaps with cartridge of my company

When opening the A4 file, I have the background plan with cartridge and in the projection properties the Europe mode

The problem is that from one part = > create a drawing, the 3 formats are automatically projected in USA

How do you change this?


Knowing that if I open the file of my A3 and A0 basemap I have an empty drawing without a cartridge!!

I don't know if I was clear enough, basically make a plan from a part, I have the company cartridge with the different important points.

But a USA project that must be modified with each new drawing

The configurations of the drawings were carried out by a person who is no longer with the company.


When opening the basemaps alone, I only have the title block on the A4 format and projection type Europe, when I change and save the modification is not done when I open this drawing via a room.


Thank you for your solutions


I think you need to modify the properties in your document and then save it as a template so that it takes into account the changes.



You right-click on the plan and then Property to check the projection mode.

may the force be with you.



After changing the Projection Europe setting, you need to save the model so that it stays in Europe mode all the time.

1. Make parameter adjustments on a drawing

2. Then save the pattern:

Do "Save As" and change the extension to "*.drwdot" and overwrite the old drawing template.


There you go


Thank you for your answers


I think I have the problem I can't even open the A4 wallpaper with the settings, company cartridge etc

I only have a blank sheet of paper, yet I try to open the same document that I use to make a drawing where I have the cartouche

Check out this post and its comments. You may find what you are looking for:



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There are two things to differentiate:

- DRWDOT files, these are drawing templates.

- SLDDRT, these are the basemap files.

The subtlety is that a drwdot can contain a slddrt, so if you save a drwdot that contains a slddrt, creating a drawing no longer requires you to choose a basemap.

In your case for example, if you have an empty sheet (and it doesn't ask you to choose a basemap), it's because you had to save your drwdot with a blank basemap, so the solution is to delete the basemap of this drwdot (from the build tree), choose the sllddrt that goes well in the properties of the sheet and re-save in drwdot.

In the options, you should also clearly define the default templates to be used for drawings.

I hope it can help you.



This is a bug known under solidworks.


You open your background map and nothing is displayed.

Under which version are you?


Edit: -1... Why?! ^^


Hello everyone,


To make it simple and fast


I simply opened the .slddrt file I modified the projection in Europe

Save Keep: except that here I am offered DRWDOT, SLDDRW, DRW and of course DXF and DWG

I tried the drwdot, but I can't open this format if I'm in a room => create a drawing => I don't have the possibility to choose this format


So I simply renamed the file, I put the .slddrt extension


I open the drawing from a EUROPE projection room

Thank you all;)