Time modulation assigned to a CATIA imposed displacement


I would like to know if it is possible to assign a modulation to a displacement.

In fact, I am studying a simple case of a wire beam embedded at one end and free at the other. I first created a static case where the load was the applied displacement of 100mm at the free end of the beam, then I created a frequency case to have the eigenmodes to then be able to create a case of dynamic response in time. In the "load excitation" window, I assigned a sinusoidal modulation to the displacement, yet when I visualize the deformation, I notice a weird thing, the beam deforms infinitely. I put here an image with on the left the modulation graph applied to the displacement and on the right the curve of the displacement of the node at the free end of the beam.

Thank you 


Did you indicate a depreciation? If so, try to accentuate it.



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Thank you for your answer, I tried to accentuate it, but it's weird it doesn't change anything about the displacement curve...