CAD/CAM Module for Solidworks (ISO Program Creation from SW Files)

Hi all

I would like to know if there is an add-on (or a feature that is unknown to me), allowing to realize ISO programs for machine tools and numerical control; from Solidworks. The goal is to obtain the ISO program directly, or to carry it out in parallel with the creation of the 3D parts.

Thank you for your answers

Kind regards

Marcoux Charles


There is indeed an additional program called Solidworks CAM that is currently available with Solidworks 2018 (Trial I think).

Alternatively, you can also contact your Solidworks reseller who will surely direct you to SolidCAM, which offers a module that is fully integrated with Solidworks. 

There are also a few free solutions available on the internet (Fusion 360, HSM) that work well for simple needs but their library of PostProcessors is quite limited

Hello, a long time ago (at least 15 years...) I used EFICN. however, I do not know if it still exists. he created the program according to the machine and the data entered. However, a rereading of the programs and a correction was unfortunately essential.

But if it still exists, it is possible that it has been improved.


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Thanks to you, indeed while searching on the net I came across SolidCam. I will contact my dealer for more information.

EFICN SW seems to still exist, moreover it is certified by Solidworks, see also on this side.

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It has a lot of software packages adapted and allowing exchanges with SW as well as hypermill

Or one that is guaranteed full integrated as a mastercam

Kind regards



When you discovered your message, were you able to get in touch with SolidCAM through your SolidWorks reseller?

If not, do not hesitate to contact me at, Application Engineer at SolidCAM France I will be able to inform you.
Kind regards

MASTERCAM: Solidworks compatible software

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