Show/hide and smoothing order


I design an airplane whose fuselage is made up of several sections.

At the beginning I did them in order starting from the nose.

Then I had to make corrections, so they are no longer in order and I can't find this order

In addition, when I want to mount/hide a section, there are several of them to perform the operation. For example, there is T3, T4, T5, T6, T7, if I want to hide  T3, well T4, T5, T6 and T7 are also hidden. 

How could I make everyone hide/show independently?


It's okay, I corrected, I just took the whole thing, I only have 14 smoothings.



It's hard to get an idea. Is it solved or not? Otherwise, can we have a screenshot visual with the functions on the left to understand how the sections are made?  


Sorry, but I resumed the drawing 2 days ago, so I don't have any more screenshots to show.

otherwise here is what is currently being done:


Okay, I understand better.

First, this succession of functions (smoothing) gives the end the same volume (body). You can't hide functions, only bodies independently. Hiding a function is like hiding the body to which this function belongs and with that all the functions that generated this body. If you want to hide certain edges, you will have to create independent bodies for each smoothing. Combine them afterwards.