Show/hide via an equation with a condition (if)


I am trying to automatically control the display of a room via an equation. Is it possible to write an equation in such a way that if the if condition is met it shows me the part, otherwise it hides it from me? (on the same principle as "delete"/"undo deletion")

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I notice that the equation tool doesn't offer this function, but I have a lead

  • It is possible to hide/show the component via a macro.
  • It is possible to automatically recall this macro via the equation tool, 

(being a novice in macro, I can only wish you good luck). 

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That's what I thought, thank you anyway!


I use equations to activate or not functions, but it's in part and multibody file (sheet metal/welded construction).

You should try in an assembly if it can work with a part.

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Hello again,

As I don't like to remain without knowing, I tried...

And it works!

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@a.eriaud the request is to hide/show a room not deleted/de-deleted. ;-)



I confirm I work a lot this way and it's perfect.

 one-condition iff or two-condition iff.

May the force be with you.

