Inventor 2015 Parts Movement



I have a problem in a set of parts. When I want to move a part or a sub-assembly using my mouse, no problem. But as soon as I put a constraint (1 only) on this part no more movement possible with the mouse while there are still 2 possible directions. Other problems of the same kind. By inserting a constraint, the preview is not done while the "preview" box is activated (the small pair of glasses) for this I have to update the whole thing so that the part is positioned according to the requested constraint. It's quite annoying for a dynamic study... I don't know if I have activated a function or something. On the other hand, in the other projects, no problem. Hoping to have been as clear as possible...


Thank you in advance.



Hello, you have to see if the graphics card drivers are up to date:

Otherwise see my tutorial to reset the SolidWorks settings:

Thank you very much for your answer. But I am only having a problem on one set and on the inventor software.

But thank you anyway.

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For my part, I also encountered this kind of problem when the assembly was very heavy.

Can you take a screenshot of the functions you have placed on these parts?

Time for me! It will teach me to respond too quickly!

Indeed, just like Aurélien Fives, I will count on an overweight of your blend. 

Try to lighten everything up (I don't remember the specific Inventor nomination for that)

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See these Inventor tutorials[0]=Autodesk%20Inventor

I posted a few tutorials these among others
With this I think it will allow you to better address your problem
Have a nice day
@+ ;-))


Thank you all for your answers.

I solved my problem. In fact, it was a constraint that caused the problem. The whole thing didn't seem that heavy to me, so I proceeded by elimination and it works. In any case, thank you.


Have a good day to you.

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