Mycad Integration no longer reads Excel table

Hi all 

I regularly write properties in my parts and assemblies via the Mycad Integration tool.

The operation function is as follows: Adds/Modifies a property from an Excel table.

The software will read an Excel table with the file names and properties, and then write them back to the part/assembly file.

Everything was working perfectly 3 days ago, there has been no change of license sw in the meantime, Integration.

This does not come from my part/assembly file to be processed because if I ask it for another processing operation:

e.g. change the colour of the room or  reconstruct the document. OK, it works perfectly.

I tried again with a blank excel file, with 1 property.  

Worse, when I re-open this excel file, it tells me that there has been an error and offers me a recovery version. 

Tested on a colleague's pc, same results. 

Any ideas to propose please? Or even disappointments?

I complete my problem with the log of the application and the error generated.

For those who can't read the image: 

Integration - v 2018
Date : 11/07/2019 08:55:06 
11-07 08:55
Get register
11-07 08:55
New list actions
11-07 08:55
Open file actions
11-07 08:56
Apply all actions
11-07 08:56
Error: AddPropertiesFromTable
Exception Found: 
11-07 08:56
Type:     System.Runtime.InteropServices.COMException
Message:     HRESULT Exception: 0x800A03EC
Source:     Integration
StackTrace:        Microsoft.Office.Interop.Excel._Worksheet.get_Range(Object Cell1, Object Cell2)
   at myCADtools2018.RD.Tools.Integration.clServices.AddPropertiesFromTable(String _PathName, String _WorkbookPath, String _Property, String _Criteria, String&_Comment, ProgressBar&_SubProgressBar)
TargetSite:     Microsoft.Office.Interop.Excel.Range get_Range(System.Object, System.Object)

If you have maintenance I advise you to create a ticket, they will be much more competent to debug their software.

Otherwise at home SW 2018 version it works, try this morning.


Some leads:

- update windows, MS Office or other.

- an Excel already open in another process (Ctrl+Delete to check the processes.)

For the rest, too technical, no other idea



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