Mycadtools with multiple versions

I see things that interest me in mycadtools.

My problem: I am forced (because of my customers) to have several versions of SW on my machine. How does it work with the tools? Is anyone in the same situation?

In the taskbar icon, you can choose

Either mycadtool version 2014, 2015, 2016, etc.. depending on the installs on your workstation

or set it to "automatic"


Very interesting!

I'm testing (when I would have extorted 5 minutes from my boss :-) )

I've never tried it, but I guess that's what it's for:D



Child..., fortunately I didn't start too quickly ;-)

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You install the tools corresponding to the version of sw.

So if you have several versions of sw, you will have several versions of mycadtools.

On the other hand, for the configuration of the tools, I don't know if you can transfer them backwards (year n to n-1).

The tools don't mix the brushes as much as sw when installing when there are multiple versions.

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We have a post with SW 2014 and SW2016 with 2 mycadtools in different versions as well and no worries.

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I went ahead and installed the 3 versions (I have 5 versions of SW on the machine but there are common versions of MyCadTools), each one  makes its own sauce and appears in the right SW.
You just have to be careful when launching a utility directly from the Windows menu.

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