Rib with swept base: the guide curve invalidates the profile

Hi all.

I'm looking to make a rib on a plane (solidworks 2017). By using a brushed base profile I obtain a very convincing result with the perfect junction on the central cylinder.

If I add the inner edge as a guide curve (in blue in the image below), the profile is invalidated.

What function would you use to achieve this rib with the rounded reinforcement at the junction of the central cylinder?

Thank you in advance for your help.



Do you want to do as on the attachment?

I just deleted your function and redid this function with the Int curve.

Otherwise I misunderstood the problem.




Thank you for your help. Perhaps I have misexpressed my research, indeed.

The problem lay in the imposition of 2 central points in the outline of the rib profile. Removing these two constraints frees up the volume and allows it to follow the guide curve.

By extending the final face, the rib is entirely drawn.

The only slight problem left is that the extrusion continues beyond the contact face with the cylinder:

If there is another solution, I am interested, of course.


Why not make this connection via a simple leave?

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I don't understand this solution. A leave between which parties?

Otherwise you can also create the low profile in top view, as well as the high profile on another plane spaced a certain distance apart and make a smoothing between the two. See Pj for a quick test

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Thank you Gauthik67 for this approach.

Unfortunately, with this solution,  I encounter a geometry intersecting problem that prevents me from creating the smoothing.

It seems to me that "projecting" the rib on the central cylinder with a sweep is more effective to "glue" the two entities than to "mount" with a smoothing where the intersection of the two geometries seems more delicate to me.

Since this part has to be made by 3D printing,  I don't want the connections to be a problem.

Attached is a file of my attempt.



The error on your essay is that your INF and SUP profiles are open. Close these profiles and then start smoothing again, you should get there. This is what I did with your piece: (See Pj)


Other images:

Thank you very much for your help.


Indeed, it works, but it was necessary to redo the arc of the lower profile and remove the constraints of coincidence.

Nevertheless, for the exercise I had simplified the profile. In reality, the connection between the central cylinder and the plane of the disc is a fillet (0.2), as it should be for this type of part.

And with this condition, smoothing is no longer done. The fillet then generates a geometry of zero thickness. On the other hand, the sweep projection allows you to overcome this problem and correctly "fills" the fillet, as seen here:

So I think I'll keep the swipe solution, but thank you again for your relevant help.

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