Part name followed by -1 -2 -3


We are new to Solidworks 2018 and there is a detail that disturbs us in the Feature manager of an assembly,

identical coins are followed by -1<1> -2<2>  -3<3>

e.g. PieceName-3<3>, this hyphen did not appear in previous versions of Sldwks

and can lead one to believe in several versions of the play.

Can this display be removed? I searched through the options and found nothing.

Thank you in advance for your help



We have been using SW2018 for several months and we don't have this...


In the features manager you have to right-click on the assembly ==> display of the tree ==> uncheck everything that is useless.

A little trick is to look at the last function ==> group the occurrences of components.

This decreases the size of the tree by 10 or more, so that all the same pieces are grouped together. Very good for large assemblies especially if you have a lot of screws or similar parts.

It's up to you to see according to your needs :-)


Thank you Zozo

Indeed if I uncheck "Show component descriptions"

The -1s disappear, but we want to keep this display very practical because our coins are only registered with a 10-digit number. Amazing that it has been doing it since 2018!!

Another lead??




Good evening fifounet44

I didn't understand what you want to keep since you even keep the name of your piece in the display.

Can you take a screenshot of part of your feature managers.

Kind regards

PS: I don't have any other leads but surely the strong Maouss will give you one

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Good evening

I want to keep SB3932-5218<1> "Came" instead of SB3932-5218-1<1> "Came"

Kind regards

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Hello Fifounet44

It doesn't seem possible I searched everywhere and tried all the combinations of displaying the tree, in the online and on the net.

For your info SW call it [[ the occurrence indicator]]

I think that as Solidworks is a very old software they had to put the file indexing numbers and data base in a single segment. Of course, it adds more and more functionality without changing the very foundations of the data base (it would be too complicated to see the implications on the hundreds of thousands of DLLs that the program includes).

It's very practical afterwards in the nomenclatures etc... to find out how many pieces are like this or like that.

On the other hand, in terms of the display, it would have been possible without changing the database.

Maybe Visiativ has such a tool but in general they have tools outside the SW code and they are generally active on the files but not on the constitution of the original file it seems to me.

On the other hand, in terms of nomenclatures and documentation, by exporting to Excel you can remove the parasitic characters.

Even a macro would surely do this easily

Kind regards


OK and well thank you Zozo,

We'll deal with it!

Kind regards