CATIA Toolbar Names


I did the tutorial: "Getting by with CATIA V5 toolbars."  By the way, thank you Franck for this tip.

Indeed, I use svt 2 screens and frequently I have a toolbar that remains on a screen and that has not followed the fact that I moved my CATIA window.


How can we know the name of a group of tools? 

Obviously, a right click on the group doesn't give me any info about its name and at the bottom of the CATIA window, I don't have its name either.

I have to do some guesswork to remove the groups of tools that I don't use and keep the ones that I use.

Thank you in advance for your advice.


Silly question but have you tried to resize the toolbar by stretching it?

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Place this toolbar in a horizontal bar and then drag it back into the 3D window, you should read a little more (but not all of it, not possible, I think). Sometimes it's enough to guess...

to +


Hello +1 @glaffont.

See the tutorial on the forum

Edit, I hadn't seen that you had looked at it, the tutorial (indeed) I take out a horizontal toolbar but in the tutorial I don't show the drag from a vertical to the Horizontal grouping and then the output to the graphic area.

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I hadn't watched the tutorial before but I've already been confronted with the problem... I just looked at it, it's good! CATIA is used from time to time for projects and often it's a disaster in terms of study time... Not at all intuitive as software....

Edit: I think I didn't follow the discussion well.... Dsl

@ +

Compared to Aurélien, yes I tried to resize it. But it is apparently not possible to redefine the toolbar by stretching it.

As a result, I don't have a solution yet.

If you have any, I'm interested, even if I can guess ... but hey at the cost of time wasted for not much.

See video tip for stretching toolbars


OK. I have a solution. Thank you.

Well, on the other hand, we can't say that it's very easy but anyway, I shouldn't change my list of buttons every day.

Indeed it's a trick on the other hand remember to save your CATsetings because you risk losing your changes in case of updating catia to a higher realease