Entity names of a Userform


I'm coming back to you because I have a very small problem but I'm getting very upset and I don't understand. In a Userform, I have 3 ComcoBoxes that I usually call CBox_... But due to a typo for two of them I had written Cbox_ so I changed the name following that. But in the code, this keeps changing: when I write CBox_... he corrects me in Cbox_...  So I deleted the corresponding entities but nothing helps, I still have the problem.

I'm strict on this point (naming my entities the same way) because I won't be the only one to use the code so I'd like to keep a good understanding.
In addition, I kept the option of "correcting the case of variable names" because in some cases it is very useful.

Thank you 

if it persists in renaming your CBox to Cbox it's because somewhere you must have declared it to Cbox I advise you to put your vba code in notepad++ with syntax highlighting its helps a lot! and more readable than in the VBA



I think you still have a lowercase shift. Sometimes it's hard to spot them in VBA.

Personally, in this kind of case, I use Notepad++.  You copy your code into a new document. Then you select the name of your variable by double clicking on it. And then, you'll see color highlights everywhere in the code where it's used. It's very practical:

Notepad++ is packed with great features. I'll let you discover it or rediscover it.


To Mad.

I gave the same answer while you were writing yours.

I see that we have the same tools and methods. ;-)


Thank you! I knew about this tool but I didn't use it.

But it turned out that it was "a bug" SW because it didn't work even with the NotePad ++ visu. While I restarted SW and all the names were correct, so every time I have this problem I restart.

Sorry MaD but I put remrem's  answer in Best answers because more complete and there is the link to download NotePad ++.