Number of configurations in a room

Hi all!

I am asked to know the number of references in my library.
About 95% of this database is made in config. (so I can't just count the number of files in WINDOWS)
I don't have a PDM
Do you have an idea of how to proceed?


If you have MyCadTools tools, it's possible with SmartBom...

Kind regards.


Otherwise by macro with the Solidworks Document Manager APIs
GetConfigurationCount2 Method (ISwDMConfigurationMgr2) - 2022 - SOLIDWORKS API Help

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@Cyril.f Thank you for the proposal but I absolutely don't know how to use an API and the VBA...
@Maclane I'll try to contact whoever has it because almost all of us have floating licenses, except for 1 or two people who must have fixed licenses with the mycadtools

To use the document manager API, you will need to request a license key from Solidworks
but +1 for the idea.


@Maclane would you be able to tell me how?
I'm looking to print the license that has mycadtools but I've never used it

Hello @twathle ;

Roughly speaking, with SmartBom, to get the amount of file configurations contained in a directory (and, optionally, with its subdirectories), the following example should be fine:

and for more information about SmartBom:

I don't have time to go into details today but don't hesitate to ask questions here...

Kind regards.