Number of Subassembly Levels - Solidworks

Hi all

Do you know how many subassembly increments are allowed with Solidworks? (let's imagine an assembly of 600 parts)

Example :

An assembly composed of 2 subassemblies themselves composed of subassemblies composed of ...

Thank you!

Hello, no limit to my knowledge, it may be a little slower, but that's it! We have already had to make assemblies at 7 or even 8 levels. How many would you have?

Thank you .PL is there any information about this slowness? 

I had seen in some posts that there were indications about the number of parts in an assembly, but not about these increments?


I'm attaching details of an assembly I'm currently working on.

As visible on the attachment, the maximum depth level is 9.

Sorry but I couldn't find a limit for SW.



It will depend on whether you are working in resolved mode or not and if you need to modify many parts of these subassemblies regularly while you are working on the assembly.

For the complex assembly mode (I think you're talking about this), SolidWorks disables some options when the assembly contains more than 500 parts by default, see here:


Correct I understand,

@Remrem, for the assembly you sent the screenshot of, the complex assembly mode is activated?

With 5000 components, the complex mode is certainly activated!

@PL, I hadn't seen the complement of your 1st answer:

I will also have 9 levels 

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The complex assembly mode is activated automatically according to a variable value of the number of components.

The default value is 500. See attachment.

So yes, it's active on this assembly.


Hi @ Aurelien

Here is the defenitionin pyramid mode

 of part quantity / sub-assembly and assembly

Draws from the training the management of large assemblies in Solidworks

already posted on the site but can't find the question or the tutorial anymore?

@+ ;-))

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